Focus Ratings is a Uk and Irish Horse Racing ratings service designed to aid you and help you narrow the field so that you can concentrate on the real contenders. Our completely computerised analysis system selects the top three rated horses from each race and sends out the ratings every day at 10:00 a.m.  Wonderful results and an excellent strike rate.  Use Focus Ratings to win more money and make more profits from British and Irish Horse Racing.  The only horse racing system you'll ever need.

We have lift off!

focus-ratings-betfair-pricesBetfair Starting Prices!


At long last....

I've finally done it!

Yes, after an awful lot of cursing...

Far too much faffing about...

Some really horrible coding...

A mild case of RSI....

And the time wasted as a result of all of the above...

We finally now have Betfair Starting Prices on Focus Ratings!

Betfair Starting Prices

Now, today is Bastille Day here in France and so...

I have decided to take rest of the day off!

After all, it is a bank holiday?

One of about 366 that we have in France every year!

Perhaps I exaggerate slightly?

But, from tomorrow, I'll start exposing the BSP in the daily results and...

Anywhere else where it is worthwhile?

What does this mean?

Well, from now on...

Not only will the daily results show the BSP (as well as the ISP) but..

I'll also be able to add it to the Builder so that you can proof your systems to BSP as well as ISP.


I'll also be able to add a Laying function to the Builder so that you can build laying systems as well as backing ones!



I guess that you're all now going to email me asking if I can add Betfair Place Prices to the Builder?

So that you can build and test Betfair Place Betting systems?

Well, my answer has to be...

"I feel like I've just built the Great wall of China...

Single handedly!

But I'll get on to it as soon as I can."

focus-ratings-betfair-starting-pricesHowever, for the moment...

I'm going to pop out and spend an hour (or three), sat on the terrasse outside my local bar....

Having a beer (or three)...

And generally just watch the world go round?

After all...

It is a bank holiday?

As always...

My kindest regards


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